Verified Medical | Secure capture and collaboratipn of patient files

Verified Medical

Secure, encrypted management of patient data.

Harness the power of secure, encrypted collaboration
of patient charts and images

As the industry moves towards digital healthcare solutions, Verified Medical gives you a suite of tools for the secure capture and sharing of private patient files with your own network of physicians and healthcare providers. With a mobile app and web interface, the capture of documents, images and patient files is quick and easy. Real-time collaboration between healthcare professionals speed up the consultation and referral process helping you and your patients.

Verified medical Mobile Application

Benefits for you and your business.

Use Verified Medical to complement your healthcare services.

  • Reduce wait times and improve patient outcomes
  • Strengthen trusted health care relationships
  • Save time and money, improve performance and efficiency
  • Build practice capacity and improve EMR connectivity
  • Long-distance consultations with increased billing events
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